Smart cloud banking platform is distinguished with simple and flexible products.


Smart cloud banking platform is distinguished with simple and flexible products.


Smart cloud banking platform is distinguished with simple and flexible products.


Smart cloud banking platform is distinguished with simple and flexible products.

To reach any scale at efficiency, a bank and non-bank financial sector needs to simplify, reduce and automate manual tasks, create custom automated loan application processes and send automated email and SMS client reminders, while being able to consolidate accurate real-time data from anywhere and scale up with no IT effort. With a rapidly changing banking environment, SMART CLOUD BANKING SaaS Platform will position bank and non-bank financial sector to be take advantage of new channels and new digital products. SMART CLOUD BANKING SaaS will easily automate Business Processes to simplify, reduce and automate manual tasks, create custom automated loan application processes and send automated email and SMS client reminders, while being able to consolidate accurate real-time data from anywhere, analyze and scale up with no IT effort. The PLATFOR will be comprised from following modules:



ლაითსფიდ დიჯიტალი - LightSpeed Digital - სტრატეგიული საკონსულტაციო კომპანიია, რომელიც საერთაშორისო ფინანსურ ინსტიტუტებს, მთავრობებს და ბიზნესებს წამყვან საექსპერტო მომსახურებას უწევს - ინოვაციური, ციფრული გადაწყვეტილებების, ფინანსური ტექნოლოგიების განვითარების და დანერგვის, ასევე ორგანიზაციული გარდაქმნის მიმართულებით. ჩვენი საკონსულტაციო მომსახურების სპექტრი მოიცავს როგორც ციფრულ ტრანსფორაციას, მონაცემთა ანალიტიკას, მცირე და საშუალო ბიზნესის განვითარების სტრატეგიას, ფინასებზე წვდომის ინსტრუმენტებს, ასევე ბიზნეს პროცესების ავტომატიზებას, და ინსტიტუციურ რეფორმებს. LightSpeed Digital-ის დამფუძნებლებს გააჩნიათ საერთაშორისო ფინანსურ ინსტიტუტებთან, დონორ ორგანიზაციებთან, სამთავრობო ინსტიტუტებთან, ბიზნეს კორპორაციებთან საექსპერტო მუშაობის 30 წლიანი გამოცდილება, როგორც საქართველოში, ასევე ყაზახეთში, აშშ-ში და იტალიაში.
LightSpeed ​​Digital is a strategic consulting company that provides leading expert & advisory services to international financial institutions, development organizations, governments and businesses - in innovative digital solutions, financial technology development and implementation, as well as organizational transformation and economic development. Our consulting services include digital transformation, data analytics, SME development strategy, access to finance tools, business process automation, and institutional reform. The founders of LightSpeed ​​Digital have 30 years of combined experience working with International Financial Institutions, Donor organizations, Government institutions, Business corporations, Leading Tech Companies, Investment Funds and VCs both in Georgia, Kazakhstan, United States and Italy.

will provide lenders a simple, intuitive user interface for online loan origination. It will be configurable front-end portal that provides a differentiated experience for retail/small business loans and other multiple digital products.


will provide algorithm based full-cycle scoring and underwriting for SMEs. 


will provide a complete, agile loan servicing and management application that will give Financial Institution complete control of lending products and will provide support for all lending needs. 


will give a complete view of all clients and business in one place, will organize and segment customer data so that lenders easily break down outreach by age, gender or business to gain complete customer view and use client data efficiently through digital marketing.